December 12, 2017

Introducing: Employee Referral Portal

The referral portal is a useful resource for any client! This new feature not only gives system users the ability to track and report on important […]
November 16, 2017

The 1 Thing Job Applicants Want…

…Is an email confirming their job application was received by the employer! In the modern age where technology is king and paper applications are a thing […]
October 18, 2017

4 Cost Effective (Even Free) Ways To Post Jobs Online

There are many ways recruiters can post jobs online without going into the red zone. Here are a few tips: 1) Become an ATS OnDemand Client: ATS […]
October 4, 2017

Reference Portal Revolutionizes Hiring Through Automated Reference Checks

For a lot of people in HR, the worst part of recruiting is reference checks. Reference checks are essential in verifying the qualifications of a potential hire. However, […]