That’s how much it could cost you to recruit for an entire year! Are you a small business or prospective company looking for a simple, affordable, and powerful applicant tracking system (ATS)? ATS Lite provides hiring teams the tools and functionality for building and promoting jobs, managing talent, and keeping…
ATS OnDemand’s applicant tracking system (ATS) is packed with recruitment tools that will benefit your small business, regardless of industry. We narrowed it down to our top 5 favorite features based on client feedback. Â
If your company is awesome, there are plenty of people who want to work for you That’s why you need a career page that’s easy to find, mobile-optimized, and customized to your brand. Given the high level of exposure your career site will receive, it is essential this page is…
Text recruiting has become a popular way for hiring teams to connect with talent fast. With a growing number of 81% of the American population owning a smart phone, engaging job seekers via text could establish relationships far quicker than email or a phone call. With a smart and intuitive…
Invite team members to participate in candidate review and hiring for free! Human Resource (HR) professionals in charge of interviewing and hiring talent for their business may need to incorporate individuals outside of HR to complete important tasks. We don’t believe in charging businesses extra fees so applicant tracking system…
Build documents inside the ATS, send to candidates, & share with your hiring team…free! One of the standard features included with ATS OnDemand’s applicant tracking system (ATS) is an E-Form builder that allows system administrators to create custom forms and share them internally or with candidates. E-forms are an awesome…
Recruiters using ATS OnDemand’s applicant tracking system can send offer approvals to an unlimited amount of people for free! System administrators of the applicant tracking system (ATS) can set up Recruit Team Members to receive emails from ATS users. Active Recruit Team Members can then be selected to participate in…
Looking for an applicant tracking system (ATS) that’s simple, powerful, and affordable? Start-ups and small businesses interested in streamlining recruitment can benefit using our newest product: ATS Lite.  Built upon our primary ATSOnDemand platform, we’ve stripped the system down to the most basic tools that allow clients to create and post jobs,…
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