5 Ways to Ramp up for Spring Hiring

Spring has sprung, and for season-dependent industries, spring is the peak hiring time. Businesses seeking to hire employees before fall often do so now, in anticipation of management and HR team members rotating out for summer vacations. If time is of the essence in your industry, here are five things your company can do to prepare for spring hiring:

1) Revitalize social media pages.

Do your company accounts accurately reflect your current employer brand? Update them to feature up-to-date company news and open positions. Consider their aesthetic appeal, avoiding a dated look.

2) Host a career fair at local colleges/universities.

Spring is the time to snag college graduates and seasonal laborers alike. Contact your local higher education institutions to reserve recruiting space in a high-traffic area. Call each schools career development department to check for upcoming career events in which your company can participate. Use these events to start, build and maintain relationships between the schools and your company.

3) Add a hiring kiosk to your companys lobby.

Application kiosks placed near the public entrance of your company are not only convenient for applicants, (think of those who do not own a personal computer and/or have Internet access) but also time-savers for besieged recruiting departments. Kiosks prevent walk-in applicants from becoming lost hiring opportunities when recruiters are out to lunch.

4) Refresh your job posts.

Have your job descriptions changed since posting? Can you jazz up the wording to increase appeal? Stale postings with outdated information raise a red flag for potential applicants.

5) Consider candidates in your ATS.

Look no further! Revisit your applicant tracking systems current candidate pool for potentials hires. Drop a line to those you haven’t contacted in a while to find out if they are currently in the market for a new job. Invite them to update their information.

With seasonal hiring needs and a flood of new graduates on the market, (as well as some job seekers simply doing some spring cleaning in their careers) spring is definitely the time for employers to ramp up efforts for a hiring spree.

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