ATS OnDemand is now offering an additional resource for job postings: Glassdoors’ Single job Posting (SJP). With this paid service you can expect access to a Highly-Engaged candidate pool and Premium Job Placement with Daily Alerts sent to Candidates all within our ATS!

Glassdoor is the most transparent jobs and career marketplace that is changing how people search for jobs and how companies recruit top talent. Today, over 61% of all job seekers use Glassdoor, the fastest growing career site, to search for jobs and research companies.   

Glassdoor infochart


Get 2x More Qualified Candidates! 

  • 30% Lower Cost-Per-Hired, compared to other recruitment channels
  • 3x the candidate influence with Glassdoor Analysis
  • 1/2 the price of traditional job boards



Upgrade to a sponsored Glassdoor posting today and receive premium job placement and more applications for 30 days!

Sign Up Today!